Alerts and Monitoring
New HASP options, tensometry and environment control
General purpose monitoring solution – is a very popular application for different types of the industries. It includes the different kinds of the sensors, supported by the solution (temperature, humidity, TVOC, CO2, PM2.5, PM10, water leak, door open/close, room occupancy, desk occupancy, garbage bin), which is installed at the customer facilities, the network (can be Pixel’s public or customer private network) used to transmit the data and web/mobile application which allows enduser to monitor collected data from sensors.
User can configure alerts for abnormal values from the sensors, check historical charts and integrate this system with any existing IT systems already deployed.

Geopositioning and Tracking
Indoor and outdoor tracking, protected ibeacon
Tracking solution – allows to track location of different types of the objects which typically has no any onboard power supply. Tracking can be conducted outdoor (using GPS) and indoor (using unique combination of LoRa and BLE). The application includes low power trackers, the network (can be Pixel’s public or customer private network) used to transmit the data and web application which allows enduser to manage whole tracking system.
The user can monitor last known location of the objects, trackers statuses and health and analyse statistical data.
Parking and access control
Capacity tracking, management and reservation
Pixel Parking solution – allows whole parking garage monitoring and an option for parking spot reservation.The application includes wireless parking sensor and parking barrier installed on each parking spot, the network (can be Pixel’s public or customer private network) used to transmit the data and web application, which allows enduser to manage whole parking system.
User can monitor different parameters of parking garage occupancy, analyse statistical data, provide reservation functionality to parking endusers via mobile application.

Smart Lighting
Lighting management for smart cities
Smart Lighting solution – is a street light control and management application, which can significantly increase the efficiency of street light system. The application includes light controllers (installed on each lamp post and connected to the bulb), the network (can be Pixel’s public or customer private network) used to transmit the data and web application, which allows enduser to manage whole light system.
The user can receive different types of alerts of each lamp post status, bulb status, electricity consumption and few others. Also it is possible to configure static and dynamic schedules to control lamp posts or sets of lamp posts in a group: turn on, turn off, dim up or down to specified level. Last options if properly deployed in a systematic way allows up to 40% energy savings.
LoRaWAN Private Network
Bring your network up to any scale
Pixel Networks can deploy all vertical solutions based on fully private network located on customer premises. A private network gives to customer full control over infrastructure, advanced resource and capacity planning and enhanced security. Private network deployment includes installation of required number of gateways, private instance of Network Server and Application Server as well. Private networks can be completely isolated from outside world and meet any kind of strict security requirements or can be setup as «inside-out» configuration.

Family Care
Introducing Tabs
Family care solution – allows to track location of typically elderly people and children including monitoring of different parameters of the their place of residence. This includes generic environmental monitoring (temperature, humidity, air quality), doors/windows open or close status and movement detection. Tracking can be implemented indoor and outdoor as well. The whole application includes several consumer grade devices (tracker, air quality sensor, presence detector, open/close sensor), the network (can be Pixel’s public or customer private network) used to transmit the data and mobile application which allows enduser to manage whole system.
The user can monitor last known location of the trackers, receive device reports and analyse statistical data.